Saturday, January 31, 2009

koleksi senario aneh....

salam 'alayk..

beberapa senario yang jika dilihat sekali sahaja cukup untuk timbulkan seribu satu tanggapan :

senario 1 : Musim Exam 1

Berlaku lambakan pembaca buku tegar. mereka tumbuh macam cendawan lepas hujan. rasa endah akan sekeliling makin kurang. kesemuanya tegar membaca, bunyi muka surat diselak setiap saat. hingga ke lewat malam,mungkin ke subuh bagi 'ulat2 buku bermusim' yang kebuluran buku. pembaca2 tegar ini tidurnya tidak kisah, asalkan ada buku di sisi. Atas lantai dan meja kebiasaannya,berlapikkan buku sebagai bantal yang paling empuk. Kasihan katil dan bantal,mungkin sedikit dengki wujud di sudut celahan hati kayu mereka. tidak lagi dirindui sebagaimana hari2 dahulu.

senario 2 : Musim Exam 2

Syif malam penuh,ramai yang buat extra time. premis masing2 mula tukar jadual operasi, jadi 24 jam. lampu dibuka hingga esok,hanya bahagian2 tertentu sahaja yang gelap berbunyi cengkerik. bil elektrik mungkin melambung, tapi di premis milik kerajaan tiada risau, mungkin risau hanya singgah di premis2 swasta & persendirian. tekun bekerja hingga ke pagi, masuk waktu rehat barulah berhenti. tapi tidak berehat, melayari alam maya lebih menjadi pilihan, kadang2 smpai selesai waktu barulah hendak berehat. ada pula yang ekstrim, tidak perlukan rehat, terus sambung kerja.

jam menunjukkan 6 pagi...

tekun & fokus..

sampai ke malam..

senario 3 : Ma'rat kutub (book fair) 1

book fair di Mesir, besar mungkin 2 kali ganda berbanding pesta buku antarabangsa di Malaysia. begitu juga dengan pengunjung. pakguard2 arab terjerit2, hendak mengatur laluan masuk pengunjung. hendak melepasi pintu masuk mesti bagi pakguard sekeping kertas glossy berharga 1 pound Mesir atau genih (LE 1). LE 1 itu juga dapat membeli rasa pelik bagi pengunjung2 yang sebelum ini pernah ke pesta buku, bezanya tempat dan percuma.

kali ini cerita di sudut mata pelajar malaysia yang juga pelajar perubatan tahun 1.

orang ramai,berasak-asak hendak ke kiri dan kanan. hendak ke depan perlu tahu mengelak, hendak ke belakang pula perlu sabar yang lebih berbanding ke depan. bila masuk ke booth syarikat penerbit, pun penuh jua. macam tuna dalam tin. pelik datang lagi, buku2 kebanyakkannya dalam bahasa tempatan, boleh kata 90% dalam bahasa arab. sedangkan itu pesta buku antarabangsa. duit yang dikeluarkan untuk memborong buku tersimpan lama dalam dompet yang berumur 4 tahun. hendak dibeli tapi takut tidak terbaca kerana 1 muka surat bersamaan dengan beberapa ratus muka surat kamus yang perlu disemak.

ma'rat ini memang istimewa kerana ada food court di tengah2nya. Mo'men, Abou shouka, KFC dan yang seangkatan dengan mereka, masing2 ada booth sendiri. macam booth2 penerbit. suasana meriah dengan keluarga2 yang sedang berkelah, makan2 di tengah2 ma'rat dan di dalam sebuah binaan,seolah2 collosseum tidak siap. macam percutian keluarga.

'collosseum tak siap' & pengunjung berkelah ditangga

senario 4 : Ma'rat kutub 2

Petang :

pelajar malaysia A : assalamu'aikum,bang,boleh tak kalau abang tengok2kan barang saya?
lelaki macam orang melayu A : wa'alaikumussalam, boleh,tapi adik ini mahu ke mana?(intonasi Indonesia)
pelajar : (sedikit terkejut) err, saya hendak ambil wuduk di sana. terima kasih..

Malam :

pelajar A : assalamu'alaikum,bang,tanya sikit boleh? ramsis di arah mana?
lelaki macam orang melayu B : wa'alaikumussalam, err.. ma'alish, ana mish fahim, ana thailandi (minta maaf,saya tidak faham,saya ni orang thailand)
pelajar A (sedikit malu + terkejut): ma'alish2, ana fakkir enta malizi..(maaf2,saya ingat kamu orang malaysia..)

"To Allâh belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth, and whether you disclose what is in your ownselves or conceal it, Allâh will call you to account for it. Then He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And Allâh is Able to do all things."

(Al-Baqarah, 2 : 284)


Friday, January 30, 2009

arks~! i'm tagged (by dr anisahshamilah)

what is this tagging thing actually?? sama mcm main 'sep'2 org ke..? ak telah di'sep' oleh snior skola ku secara senyap2, di alam maya..(sbb kalo ak x bukak blog die,xkn tau pny dh kne tag,xde kaitan dgn pic..haha)

(victim is unaware of his predator)

[1] Who was your last text from?
my lab work group member..ismah, then zhafran, kepalakotak... (sms mhl do..baik call je..hoho)

[2] Where was your default pic taken?
my class, 4 Al-Farabi 06, SAMBestari

[3]Your relationship status?
single (of course~) & don't know until when..haha!

[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?
nope,lost contact ade la.. (originally copy pasted from the tagger..haha )

[5] What is your current mood?
1. exausted,just got back from cairo..
2. pelik,sbb tgk manusia2 yg skrg suke melawan nature,ptutnye tido time mlm,tp diorg xnk tido,ade katil & bantal tp tido ats meja lapik buku.. pelik sgt2~
3. geram + sedih, ammar all bakry x sudi blnje mse kt cairo.. huhu

[6] What's your brother's name?
no big bro..haha..don't want to name them,nnt diorg bangge!

[7 ] What's your favorite color(s)?
apple green,azure.. lalala..indahnye...

[8] Where do you wish you were right now?
home sweet home (nk settle hal yg bole buat duit!!)!!! dunia cermin mcm dlm citer kamen rider ryuki (bole sakat orang,hehe..)...heaven...

[9] Have a crazy side?
YES~! afiqfaiz MASUK AIR MODE, afiqfaiz MAN-EATING MODE (henshin!! XD) *each MODE has different version and level..

[10] Ever had a near death experience?
erm..ade kot :
1. kne tendang dgn bro Down's syndrome (18 thn!!!) mse darjah 1,kt dpn kelas khas,skola rndh (he start it 1st!! i'm innocent!! just passing by and.. DUB!!),patah 2 btg gigi,gusi berdarah..huhu 2. sparring taekwondo dgn Ahmad Ibrahim @ Abe (senior & my naqib usrah) time 2nd gup (red-belt) grading, Abe bg tornado kick tepat kne kepala..rse dunia dh terbalik.. @_@..huhu

[11] Something you do a lot?
multitasker..wat lain,tp fikiran kt bnde lain.. eg : bc buku tp kepala fikir cmne nk modify resepi mak..haha~

[12] Angry at anyone?
myself, but others? not until entering the afiqfaiz MAN-EATING MODE..

[13] What's stopping you from going to the person you like?
long distance~~ahahaha!! (agak2 r wei..)

[14]When was the last time you cried?
eh? bile ye..x nk ingt.. XP

[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
mama & ayah, pastu sape2 yg special (the identity is a top secret!! ngahaha)----> refer to the present + merepek

[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
1. time aman = wah..sronoknye..mcm tgh melayang..dunia jd mcm kapas..haha
2. time bengkek = nk jd kamen rider 555, bg rider kick!!

[17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
ammar, rahman D, rahman ismail.. (tgh serabut berselerak kt ma'rat kutub)

[18] What are your favorite songs?
lagu kamen rider 555, digimon (bile nk smangat..hoho) lagu instrumental~~

[19] What are you doing right now?
bernafas sambil menaip sambil cube menghilangkn mengantuk & geram..

[20] Who do you trust right now?
family first~~then several friends.. (x mo bgtau,nnt diorg terharu r itu r ini r..haha!!)

[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
mama beli kt reject shop, 2 hours b4 flight~!

[22] Have you kissed someone in the past week?
xde and x mahu (based on current status)~~

[23] What is your lucky number?
camne nk tau??
slalu pilih 3 and 5 je
3 = slalu dpt no 3 mse skola dlu
5 = kamen rider Faiz (dlm jepon) / 555 (international)..mwahahahhaha! ------------------->>

[24] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
yela2.. ak bgtau hisyam zha, qamarul, hasbi, nadiah, aiman hudi, farha jalila... (jgn bangge ek..haha)

[25] Describe your life in one word.
long & befogged (nk gak lebih~!)

[26] Who are you thinking of right now?
x mahu bgtau~~ lalala

[27] What should you be doing right now?
study? sbb dh nk exam.. ke tdo utk regenerate energy + improve health status? x pon goreng telur utk sarapan??

[28]If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be.
bebas dosa..tiket ke syurga.. (copy pasted from the tagger..sbb smart..hehe) + duit modal utk pape business yg bole wat duit.. CHING!! x3 $_$

[29] What are you listening to?
bunyi air menitis dr kepalapaip (bkn kepalakotak), minyak yg sedang menggoreng telur.. kipas yg sdg pusing2.. Shouri - zen theme (digimon OST)

[30] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
tepet sigmoid (ke anwar or azhari??)..die rindu sbb ak gi cairo..haha XD

[31] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
pak cik arab yg tgh emo..sbb die tgh kabut (i just put my order receipt on the table so that he can prepare it!!)

[32] Do you act differently around the person you like?
dlu je..skrg dh tau cmne nk act cool..haha~!!

[33] What is your natural hair color?
kalo dr. anisahshamilah kate blue, ak hitam kot, mgkin gak golden yellow (super saiyan!! XD)

[34] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
ammar abdul rahman, nasrun deroyan.. lawak bodo di cairo~~

[35] Who will be tagged by u?
anas kamarudin (sbb die slalu update blog..haha)
mimi & mira(my sis,nk tgk die rajin ke x wat mende alah ni)
farha jalila (she tagged me b4 but nvr make one,so i tagged her back..haha..sorry~~ XD) anwar/azhari/tepet (nk tgk 3-3 wat tag ni..haha~!!)

tibe2 nk + lg mangse... here they are..hahaha :

aiman hudi (sbb hang telah di mentioned kt atas..)
kepalakotak (adek dh kne,abg pon wajib kne skali~ lala..tgk ada pe dlm kotak..)
khairi malik (sape suro follow blog ak..)
baem the penulis pahang (ak nk tgk tag yg kontroversi)
asyraf ishak (see how much experience do you have~)
alif alain (jgn r private kn blog hang..haha)
nisahaz (hanisah kn?? sape suro hang follow blog ak..hahaha~)

the tagging game from me isn't ended yet..hehehe..

"do you think the game has just ended? no..the game has just began.."

*sebuah lagi post yg sekadar merepek...


Sunday, January 25, 2009

tiba2 kubengkek...

suatu peristiwa pada malam yang agak dingin..
aku dalam perjalanan pulang dari restoran GAD.
(antara restoran yang tersenarai dalam senarai restoran mewah, fast food ..jangan tanya berapa bintang..)
di tepian jalan yang biasanya sibuk dengan manusia-manusia tempatan (orang mesir) lalu-lalang..

aku jalan seorang diri, senyap kerana tiada apa yang boleh dibicarakan.
hanya tumpu kepada perjalananku ke asrama MARA.
bertemankan sebuah beg plastik yang berisi makan malamku.
kuperhati sekeliling,
basya-basya (pemuda/belia) arab mesir sedang melepak di tepi lorong pejalan kaki yang gelap kerana tiada lampu.
entah apa yang mereka bualkan,sekali kutoleh, macam berdiskusi, pandang sekali lagi macam bergaduh..
biarlah,asalkan aku tidak dikacau.

teruskan langkahku.
bangunan asrama pun dah kelihatan.
muncul 3 orang pemuda mesir. berjalan seiring.
trio itu berselisih denganku.
tidakku endahkan mereka.
tiba-tiba,pemuda yang berada ditengah-tengah trio menepuk tangan.
mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyi yang pelik.. "alololo..awuwuwuwuw!!" (lebih kurang..)
kemudian gelak sesama mereka.

tiba-tiba darahku menyirap.
bengkek sungguh.
ditambah dengan mood yang kurang elok.
kuterasa ejekan itu.
yelah, orang mesir ini pelik.
nampak orang Malaysia panggil orang asli, tiada bertamadun.
yang mereka tahu negaraku ini hanyalah hutan semata-mata.
hijau, pokok, binatang, harimau, orang yang tinggal dalam hutan tiada baju..
sebab itu mereka hasilkan bunyi-bunyian pelik, hendak menzahirkan imaginasi dalam kotak fikiran mereka.
hendakku tahu yang aku ini kononnya orang asli yang berada di dalam satu-satunya hutan konkrit di dunia ini.
yelah, Ummu dunnia itu gelaran yang mereka beri kepada negara mereka.
Ibu dunia lah katakan, segalanya terbaik di sini kononnya..

tidak mengapalah, ku sabar sahaja..
kalau difikirkan 2-3 kali, orang-orang di negaraku pun ada yang tidak tahu akan mesir..
sebut mesir,padang pasir, gurun, cuaca panas, orang naik unta, pakai serban dan jubah..
rasionalnya, sama sahaja..
tidak kuendahkan provokasi itu..
terus masuk ke dalam bangunan asrama.
kasihan mereka, tidak lagi melihat dunia luar yang sebenarnya.
semoga 1 hari nanti sampai kepada trio tadi peluang untuk keluar merantau dari Ummu dunnia mereka..

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ (١٣

"Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa - bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling taqwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal."

(Al-Hujurat; 49 : 13)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

who knows you better? yourself or them??

I just get this URL of this personality test..
via the test, they say that i am a person of.....

Dreamy Idealists are very cautious and therefore often appear shy and reserved to others. They share their rich emotional life and their passionate convictions with very few people. But one would be very much mistaken to judge them to be cool and reserved. They have a pronounced inner system of values and clear, honourable principles for which they are willing to sacrifice a great deal. Joan of Arc or Sir Galahad would have been good examples of this personality type. Dreamy Idealists are always at great pains to improve the world. They can be very considerate towards others and do a lot to support them and stand up for them. They are interested in their fellow beings, attentive and generous towards them. Once their enthusiasm for an issue or person is aroused, they can become tireless fighters.

Dreamy + Idealist??

For Dreamy Idealists, practical things are not really so important. They only busy themselves with mundane everyday demands when absolutely necessary. They tend to live according to the motto “the genius controls the chaos” - which is normally the case so that they often have a very successful academic career. They are less interested in details; they prefer to look at something as a whole. This means that they still have a good overview even when things start to become hectic. However, as a result, it can occasionally happen that Dreamy Idealists overlook something important. As they are very peace-loving, they tend not to openly show their dissatisfaction or annoyance but to bottle it up. Assertiveness is not one of their strong points; they hate conflicts and competition. Dreamy Idealists prefer to motivate others with their amicable and enthusiastic nature. Whoever has them as superior will never have to complain about not being given enough praise.

As at work, Dreamy Idealists are helpful and loyal friends and partners, persons of integrity. Obligations are absolutely sacred to them. The feelings of others are important to them and they love making other people happy. They are satisfied with just a small circle of friends; their need for social contact is not very marked as they also need a lot of time to themselves. Superfluous small talk is not their thing.


If one wishes to be friends with them or have a relationship with them, one would have to share their world of thought and be willing to participate in profound discussions. If you manage that you will be rewarded with an exceptionally intensive, rich partnership. Due to their high demands on themselves and others, this personality type tends however to sometimes overload the relationship with romantic and idealistic ideas to such an extent that the partner feels overtaxed or inferior. Dreamy Idealists do not fall in love head over heels but when they do fall in love they want this to be a great, eternal love.

too much to be read and comprehend??
let's get it simpler, they conclude those in several adjectives :

with integrity,
willing to make sacrifices,
romantic (?!!),

And that's me from the result of the test..
who knows if it is really 100% accurate..
You judge yourself.
If you really know yourself in every aspects,
then you should know the answer..

click to take the test

لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الإنْسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ (٤

" sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya ."
(At-Tin,95 : 4)


Thursday, January 15, 2009

cooking and baking is fun,but they are no games~!!

get the recipe, copy paste it somewhere..
then go for ingredient hunting, a tempting one..
go all-out for a better discovery..
conventional stores, supermarkets, typical small shops, bakery..
never let them slip off from your eyes of vulture..
into your "prey" lair..
go for eager, blood-thirsty mode, look around for the best one..
quality,never forget them!!
flour,eggs,butter,milk,soda bicarbonate,baking powder,sugar..
these are on the top list,hunt them in 1st priority!!!
then go for the minions, cocoa powder,nuts,cooking chocolate,some fruits..
anything you love to be thrown into your cake mixture..
(this is the list for choc cake)

now you've done with the hunting,fun eh?
now it's time for the 2nd round..
let's mess up with the ingredients..
sieve those powdery ingredient tardily..
be patient if you are using a small sieve..
of course,never sieve the sugar!!
beat the eggy-weggy like mad (if you are using your very own pair of hands)
use your own strength,it's a nice exercise and may build up more!! XD
beat it well, it looks foamy and white, add sugar add resume the beating..
till you have pain + lenguh2 in your arm..haha (then use the mixer,lol!!)
add the remaining ingredients,mix them well,nice,till it looks smooth..

fuh~~done the 2nd round,let's go for the final showdown..
grease the baking can,run a spoon covered with some butter on it over the can..
patiently pour the mixture..
then bake it!!haha
sounds simple but my first outcome turn out to be a compact, 'stout', not rising chocolate cake.. T-T
after 'autopsy',we come out with 2 diagnosis :
1. to little soda bicarbonate
2. we never beat the mixture well..

that's why it's NOT A GAME though it's fun..huhu
1 step wrong and the outcome will mess up with you..

"kerana sesungguhnya setiap kesusahan itu ada kemudahan,
sesungguhnya setiap kesusahan itu ada kemudahan.."

(Al-insyirah,94 : 5-6 )


baby ular

kisah bayi yg dilahirkan dgn rupa ular di Makkah.. dari segi saintifik dan perubatan, bayi tersebut menghidap sejenis penyakit kulit yg dipanggil Harlequin type icthyosis.. ikuti artikel di URL berikut untuk maklumat detail.. (xle nk copy paste hasil org..)


15 january..mcm mane sorok pon mesti kantoi..tu r, org kate sepandai-pandai tupai melompat tp tetap x dpt masuk olimpik..haha

pape pn,ak dh makin tua..umo pon makin pendek...huhu..terima kasih r kpd mereka2 yg sudi wish..hebat korg ye,ak sorok pn korg tau gak..aduss..

haha.. (sebuah post yg tiada objektif,sekadar merepek)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Islamic Hijri Calendar

peristiwa pagi.....

tepat jam 5 pagi, suatu 'lembaga' muncul di sisi katil.
subuh2..lalu ke arah suis & menghidupkan lampu..
mataku 'terkejut' akibat sinaran lampu kalimantang yang garang menerjah mataku yang selesa dengan sejuk gelap malam..
kubangun,kerana kutahu waktu menunaikan kewajipan tiba..

kutarik tualaku yang tersadai di tombol pintu almari.
lalu kubalutnya dikepalaku.
fikiran,mata dan perasaan masih kabur.
transisi dari alam maya ke realiti.
tapi hanya 1 objektif di dalam fikiran.
utk bersuci,berwuduk di pagi musim sejuk.
ku susuri ruang tamu yang masih gelap,tapi dihuni oleh seorang pen'download' tegar.
yang berjaga,menemani 'router' internet tanpa wayar.
kuhiraukannya,terus gagah melangkah ke bilik air yang masih lagi kesunyian,menunggu
dipenuhi manusia.

kulangkahkan kaki kiriku,kusarungkannya terus ke dalam selipar kuning.
dan terus ke kepala paip air. kepala paip sejuk badannya. mesti angkara angin malam musim sejuk. lantas kubuka kepala paip,menanti air yang sejuk membeku mencurah keluar, agar dapat kuberwuduk.

air degil. puas kupulas 'telinga' kepala paip. memanggil air keluar. air tetap degil. kasihan kepala paip,telinganya dipulas-pulas. tapi air tidak kasihan padanya,tetap terperuk di dalam.
enggan keluar.
pelik,kenapa air enggan mahu keluar? biasanya sekali kupanggil,datangnya segera. tak bertangguh,aktif di pagi buta.
kutunggu sekian lama,air tetap tak mahu muncul.

tiba-tiba kudengar suara berbicara.
oh,rupanya bukan air yang degil,tapi air disekat jalannya. kasihan,dipenjara oleh 'penjaga pintu' yang tidak diketahui rutin kerjanya. tidur dan tidur.
kutunggu air lagi,sambil waktu subuh terus mara.
kumenanti lagi,manalah tahu kalau air dapat melepasi 'penjara'nya sendiri.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dandelion (cth karya bombastk seorg yg batak lps dpt Thesaurus.. XD)

Under the boundless azure empyrean..
Drifting forlornly,
Apart from the brothers..
Away from the origin..
Glissading aimlessly,
Drag by the tail of zephyr..
Who owns a vague nature
graceful or loathsome

A fragile seed..
Of a delicate weed ..
A dandelion..
Small as it can be..
yet facing the biggest voyage,
Searching for the desired land
Purifying the befog future..

Fly into the world of never coming back,
For the nature refuses the to grant the return ..
Breezes and gusts..
Waiting anxiously and tardily
As a test of valor..
Along the long boulevard of quaesitum..

Relinquish not
to the glare of phoebus..
Or tears of the wild blue yonder..
For it is in His hand..
Independence, experience , wisdom
Shall be the key..
Of revealing the covetous world
Land as a leader of tomorrow..